Hi there, I'm Spencer!

I'm the founder, engineer, designer, sales and support for Engine.

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Yep, it's just me.

I've spent the past three years as a solo developer building and growing successful software products. 

Prior to Engine, I made a mobile app for cross country skiers which now has over 7,000 users.

During this time, I was always looking for tools to make things faster, cheaper, and easier because it meant I could do more with less.

That's when I came across Notion.

Notion was the holy grail of productivity for me. It functioned as my meeting notes, product roadmap, todo list, schedule, and most importantly... my documentation.

I would use Notion to create sharable pages for everything. Whether it was a user requesting a guide, or a blogger wanting some information, the solution was always a Notion page.

That sparked me to create Engine. 

I created Engine because I wanted to be able to create beautiful public facing Notion pages for users. And needed them to be searchable, navigable, and discoverable.

Ever since then, I've been doubling down on this and I don't see myself slowing down any time soon.

What about the future?

My philosophy is to build software businesses that solve problems and run forever.

Skiwise is a great example of this. I've been running it for two years and although it's not my main focus anymore, it's still growing and thriving.

So you can be sure I'm bringing those same principles to Engine.

Currently, my primary goal with Engine is to turn it into my full-time job. And honestly... we're almost there. I need around 95 more customers to reach that goal. 

Maybe one of those will be you?

If you're interested, I invite you to reach out. You can email me at spencer@engine.so or use the live chat window.


Talk soon!


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Want to follow my journey building Engine? I actively post updates on twitter.